My car yesterday started doing the following. First, the alternator light came on, and stayed on while driving. After around 400 km, the car stalled because the battery was obviously flat. I still had 300 km to go, and obtained 2 loan batteries to make it home (barely). As I turned into my street, which is a gravel road, going over the bumps the alternator light went off but the DDE light came on and is now staying on, when switching on the ignition it goes off for a split second and the on permanently. The fuel pump under the passenger seat also keep on pumping, where it should kick in and switch off when the pressure is correct? Also, you have to take the revolutions of the car quite high now for the alternator light to go off where it previously went off at idling. Where can I started looking, we have no dealership within 300 km to get diagnostics readings. Any ideas where to start looking. I disconnected the battery overnight in the hope it would help.... and it did not.